Testosterone, balding and heart
Men get heart disease ten years before women
normally do. Why is this? Some suggest that men’s higher level of
testosterone is the cause; some doctors suspect that there is a link between
testosterone and heart disease.
For instance, testosterone is what causes men
to go bald. Although the connection
between baldness and heart disease is a little shaky, studies have shown that
men with severe baldness have a bigger chance of getting heart disease than men
with a full head of hair. Going bald
doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get heart disease, but it’s a sign that you
should start checking things like your blood pressure and cholesterol. Perhaps testosterone is the link between
baldness and heart disease; it’s certain that too much of it can damage the heart
and your metabolism.
Are you a playboy?
Surprisingly, promiscuity in sex can also
increase risk of heart disease or heart attack.
Promiscuity increases risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease, or
STD. Some STDs, such as human
papillomavirus, one of the top causes of cervical cancer, may also increase
your risk of heart attack. So, before
you choose your next sexual partner, think wisely.
Erectile dysfunction is an indirect sign
Erectile dysfunction may also be a sign
that you have heart problems. Erectile
dysfunction is caused by lack of blood flow - or not enough blood - to the
penis. In turn, this poor circulation is
caused by atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Hardening of the arteries in the penis is a
warning sign to look for hardening of the arteries around the heart and other
organs. Hardening of the arteries also
puts you at risk of having a stroke, peripheral artery disease, or an aneurysm.
However, not all erectile dysfunction signals
heart problems. Men whose erectile
dysfunction could be a sign of heart disease are younger than fifty, depressed,
overweight, have diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure, or have a
history of heart disease in the family.
In the mean time, exercise and healthy eating are good ways to keep your
heart healthy as well.
Sexual activity and heart attack
The worry among many couples in old age: could sexual activity cause a heart attack? Although physical activity is good for your
heart, strenuous activity can cause a heart attack. The risk of having a heart attack while
engaged in physical activity is 3.5 times higher than while you’re not doing
anything physical. During sex, that risk
is nearly 2.7 times higher.
However, the benefits of exercise are worth
the risk. The more in shape you are, the
less risk you have of causing a heart attack by exercising. Exercise leads to healthier, stronger muscles, your heart included. However,
you shouldn’t over exert yourself. If you
can’t climb a set of stairs without feeling too winded and out of breath, you
probably shouldn’t be engaging in sex.
Although sexual activity isn’t too strenuous, it is possible if you
aren’t in shape enough that it could trigger a heart attack.
Estrogen – can it stop heart attack?
While testosterone in men seems to be linked
to the cause of heart disease, estrogen in women seems to be linked to the
prevention of heart disease. Estrogen
largely affects your organs and circulatory system, giving it a direct link to
the heart and surrounding blood vessels.
Estrogen helps the heart by increasing good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering
bad cholesterol (LDL). Estrogen also
encourages formation of blood clots where needed, and increases blood flow by
relaxing, smoothing and enlarging blood vessels. This increases blood flow to the heart,
fighting hardening arteries and increasing heart health.
Unlike testosterone, which may be harmful or
helpful, estrogen is mainly helpful. It
even absorbs particles in the blood that can cause harm to the arteries. Scientists believe that estrogen may be the reason
that women become at risk for heart disease ten years after men. At the age of sixty-five, women’s estrogen
levels go down, taking away much of the helpful effects that strengthen the
Although you may not exhibit any of the
symptoms listed in the article above for heart disease, as you grow older you
should still take precautions. Make sure
you exercise regularly - though not too strenuously - and maintain a healthy
diet. Drinking less alcohol and quitting
smoking will help keep your heart healthy too.
If you think you are exhibiting any of the warning signs of heart
disease, make sure you go see a doctor.
At the same time, it is a good idea to keep in mind that some of the
signs - baldness, erectile dysfunction - are not necessarily major indicators
of heart problems. Make sure you keep
your body healthy, and your heart will be healthy as well.
Copyright © 2013 by Radhakrishnan Ramaraj
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